Adding Products #
- Go to – Products > Add Products.
- Provide a Product Name,
SKU: Add a unique SKU which will be used to identify the product & Print barcode in labels. Leave it empty to auto-generate it. You can also add a Prefix for auto-generated SKU. - Steps to change the default SKU length:
In order to change the default SKU length, make the following simple change in the code. 1. Open the file pos\app\Utils\ProductUtil.php. 2. Search for the function ‘generateProductSku’. 3. Change the default value 4 to any required length.
Barcode Type: Select a barcode type, default/recommended is C128 option. We recommend changing if only if the product added already have an SKU number for it.
Not For Selling: If a product is maked not-for-selling then it will not be displayed in POS or sales screen. This can be useful when using manufacturing module to make the ingredients as product not-for-selling also if you want to temporary disable selling for some products.
Alert Quantity: Alert quantity is used to alert when remaining stocks reaches to this level or below it.
Manage stock: Enable/Disable stock management at a product level. Product stock management is not required for services like Repairing, Hair Cutting, Web Development Printing. For items with Manage Stock Unchecked (disabled), you can sell them in unlimited quantities. - Business Location: Select the business location(s) where this product can sold or purchased.
- Provide a Product Name,
- Select Applicable tax for that product.
- Product Type:
Single Product: #
- Applicable for products with no variation with them then select single
- When selecting Single product – You will need to enter the Default product price including/excluding tax, Profit Margin % (you can set default profit margin from settings -> Business Settings; this will help to type % every time). Based on the profit margin it will auto calculate selling price excluding of Tax. You can also enter the selling price manually and it will auto adjust the profit margin for you.
Variable Product: #
- Applicable to a product having variations (like size or color or design or flavors etc) You can define variation templates from Products -> Variations. The advantage of creating variation is that it saves time to add same variations multiple time.
- When selecting Variable product – It will display different fields to add all variations and its related Purchase price, Selling Price. You have to select the variations from the dropdown and it will auto-populate the variations for that template. You can change the variable name, Variation values.
- To give same purchase price or selling price or profit for all variations of a product click on the double tick present in the first variation.
Combo or Bundle Product #
Adding a bundle product
- Combo product are also called bundle products.
- It is offering several products as one combined product.
For example a product “Computer Set” can have: 1 PC Monitor + 1 PC CPU + 1 Pc Keyboard + 1 PC mouse
So when someone buys Computer set she gets all the products in it. - Stock of bundled product depends on stock of individual products present in that bundle.
Example: if you have 5 PC Monitor, 4 PC CPU , 10 pc Keyboard, 50 PC mouse, the stock of Computer set will be 4 PC. - When the bundle product is sold, stock of all products inside them is automatically deducted.
- Individual products present in bundle product can also be sold separately.
- Bundle products cannot be purchased, only individual products present in it can be purchased.
Click on Save.
You can edit a product. You can also Copy / Export to CSV, PDF or Excel file.
Adding Products with multiple variations: #
If you have products which involve multiple variations like for example a Shirt can have Color & Size variation, then we have multiple ways to work with it:
Solution 1, Create combined variation: Can a variation with a name “Color-Size” and add values like Red-Small, Red-Medium, Red-Large, etc, this can be used for while adding the Shirt.
Solution 2, Create multiple Products: Create multiple different products like Shirt-Red, Shirt-Green, Shirt-Blue with size as variations. When you create multiple products you will NOT have to enter the same details multiple times, first, add the Shirt-Red with all size variations of it and then use the Duplicate Product action to copy the data.
Assigning/remove locations of multiple products at once: #
Go to List Products and refer to this screenshot.
Deactivating & Activating Product: #
Refer to the screenshot.
Using Product barcode: #
How can we use the product’s barcode instead of creating and printing new for every product?
How can we use the brand’s barcode of the product instead of creating and printing new for every product?
When creating a product, in the SKU field enter the barcode number of the product. This barcode will be used to identify the product in all screens like POS, Sales, purchases, reports, and others.
How to add a product that already has a Barcode? #
Adding products that already have a barcode, follow the same steps as adding any other products.
- Go to add products
- Fill in all the product details
- IMPORTANT: in the SKU field scan or enter the barcode of the product.
Adding product quantity or adding product stock #
For systematically managing your business, product quantities can be added in 3 ways:
- Adding Opening stock
- Adding purchases
- Manufacturing product: Useful for manufacturers, required manufacturing module.
Import Products: #
Steps: #
- Go to Products -> Import Products
- Download the template file.
- Fill all the information as per the displayed columns name & instructions. Don’t remove the heading from template file.
- Import the file
Common Errors: #
- Error: UNIT not found
Solution: Make sure the unit you provided in excel file is already present in the system. Go to Products -> Units, add the unit & import the file again. - Error: The separation symbol could not be found the separation symbol could
Solution: Format your cells in excel as text in your excel for the expiry date field and give the date as specified(11-25-2018).
Not well-defined error: #
Many times it can show some not well-defined errors like “non-numeric value encounter” or others
In this case, the best way is to split your import into multiple files.
For example, if you’re importing fil with 500 products, divide it into 2 files of 250 each and import it.
Export Products: #
The products can be exported in excel/pdf formats from the list products screen.
In version 4.7.8, a new export feature is added to export the product in the same template as the import product template.
In the list products screen, click the download excel button.
Deleting Products #
Deleting of a product will remove the products from the database.
NOTE: This delete will not work if the product have some transactions related to it. Transaction can be Opening Stock, Purchase, Sales or Stock transfer of the product. It will show some error like:
- Product can’t be deleted because purchases related to this product exist
- Some products couldn’t be deleted because it has transaction related to it.
Deleting individual product #
Bulk Delete multiple products #
Delete product Errors: #
Some products couldn’t be deleted because it has transaction related to it: #
When a product has any transactions it cannot be deleted.
Transactions can be either Sales, Purchase, or Adding opening stock.
The best way to avoid such products is by deactivation them
Variations #
- Variations can be added from Products -> Variations menu.
- These variations are used in variable products product.
Example of variation is for example, a Jeans can have multiple colors, so add variation called Colors and provide the value for it. As given in the image below.
Adding Units #
- Go to Products -> Units
- Give the unit name, a short name, and choose if want the unit to allow decimals.
Name: Meter
Shortname: Mtr.
Allow Decimal: Yes.
Allowing decimal allows you to purchase/Sell the product in decimal and vice-versa.
Multiple Units: #
This can be useful if you purchase products in a different unit and sell it in a different unit.
For example: Purchase in dozens and sell in pieces.
Or purchase in boxes and sell in pieces.
- Add the lower unit from Add Unit Screen. For example pieces.
- Add the higher unit as per the screenshot:
- Check “Add as multiple of another unit”
- Provide the conversion Details.
- Check “Add as multiple of another unit”
- Use the unit in Add/Edit Product. While adding/editing purchase/ sale you can see the dropdown for units. Select the desired unit and it will change the unit purchase/sales price accordingly.
NOTE: You will not see the main Units (Dozen in this example) in the Add-Product Unit dropdown, select piece as the unit of product. All purchases/sales get saved in the lower unit (pieces in the above example). So after adding purchases/sales if you edit the conversion details, it will affect the purchases/sales quantity accordingly.
Secondary Units: #
Secondary units can be added to products. A secondary unit can be used if a particular product’s subunit may vary each time. For example, 1 piece of stone can be 10 kg or 20 kg, or 30 kg.
To enable this go to Settings-> Business Settings – > Products.
On enabling this, a secondary unit label will be shown in add/edit products screen.
Selecting this product in the purchase/sale/POS screen will also show the secondary unit label.
The details of secondary units for products are shown in the product stock history of that product.
NOTE: The secondary unit is not considered for calculation. It is only used for the user’s knowledge of tracking the products with varying subunits.
NOTE: Available only in version 4.7.8 and above.
Selecting relevant Sub Units for a products #
For some products not all sub-units will be required. Suppose for example you sell Oranges only in Dozens or only in pieces then it will be useful.
Enable it from Business settings ->Products -> Enable relevant sub-units
Now when adding products select the Unit for the products and it will give option to select multiple applicable sub-units. Selecting the sub-units will allow you to do purchases or sales on this selected sub-units.
Adding Category & Sub-Category #
- Go to Product -> Categories -> Add
- Add Category name, category code(HSN code)
- If the category is sub-category select “Add as sub taxonomy” and select the parent category.
Product Stock History #
- Go to Products > Product List
- Click on Actions > Product stock history
Enabling expiry for products #
1.To enable expiry go to Settings -> Business Settings -> Product section. And check the “Enable Product Expiry” checkbox.
2. On enabling Product expiry, you can choose either “Add Item Expiry” or “Add manufacturing date & Expiry Period”
- “Add Item expiry” => Choose this option if you want to directly add the expiry of the item to the purchase screen.
- “Add manufacturing date & Expiry date” => Choose this option if you want to add the manufacturing date of the item and the expiry period. Based on the manufacturing date and expiry period it will auto-calculate the expiry date. And this expiry date can be edited. You will have to add expiry period for the product in the “Add or Edit Product” screen. And the manufacturing date in the “Add Purchase” screen.
3. “On Product Expiry” => With this option you can set what the system should do when a product expired.
- “Keep Selling” => Choose this option if you want the application to keep selling the product even after expiry.
- “Stop Selling n days before” => Choose this option to stop selling the item n days before the expiry. You will have to specify the value of n (which is the number of days before to stop selling)
4. “Stock Accounting Method” => This feature is used to set the way the product should be sold.
- FIFO (First In First Out) => In this the old stock should be sold first.
- LIFO (Last In First Out) => In this the most recent purchase stock should be sold.
For an Example:
1. Purchase 20 pcs of product A on 20 March 2018. Expiry date 10 April 2018
2. Purchase 20 pcs of the same product A on 23 March 2018. Expiry date 8 April 2018
3. Today I sold 22 pcs.
If the “Stock Accounting Method” is FIFO => Then the Product purchased on 20 March 2018 will be deduced with 20 pcs and after that product purchase on 23 March 2018 will be deduced with 2 pcs.
So in stock, we will have products from 23 March 2018 with 18 pcs.
If the “Stock Accounting Method” is LIFO => The opposite of the above will happen.
NOTE: You must set the required accounting method before selling the item for that accounting method to be used.
Stock Expiry Report: #
1. Go to Reports => Stock Expiry Reports.
2. Here you can filter stock “Category”, Brands, “Stock expiry date”
3. Click on “Edit” to modify the stock left and expiry period.
4. If stock left is decreased the unit purchase price is adjusted accordingly.
Stock Expiry Alert: #
– You can view stock expiry alert in Homepage bottom section. Here it shows a list of products expiring soon.
– You can set the number of days before which the expiry alter should be shown in the Homepage from “Settings -> Business Settings -> Dashboard Section” View Stock Expiry Alert For input field.
Displaying product expiry date in the invoice #
- Make sure the product expiry feature is enabled as mentioned above.
- Go to invoice layout and enable “Show Product expiry”
- If the product expiry date is added when adding Purchase or Opening stock then when making sales it will display the product expiry dropdown. Select the expiry date which you want to sell. Then in the print invoice, it will show the expiry date.
Enabling Lot Number #
To enable lot number go to, Settings -> Business Settings -> Purchases
Check the Enable Lot number checkbox and update settings.
Adding Lot number from Purchases #
If the lot number is enabled as described above then when adding purchase stock it will display the lot number field for entering the lot number.
Adding lot number from add opening Stock: #
If lot number is enabled then when adding opening stock it displays the input field to enter lot number.
Selling products from specific Lot #
Refer to the POS selling documentation Lot number description.
Displaying product lot number in the invoice #
- Make sure the lot number feature is enabled as mentioned above.
- Go to invoice layout and enable “Show lot number”
- If the lot number is added when adding Purchase or Opening stock then when making sales it will display the lot number & product expiry dropdown. Select the lot number which you want to sell. Then in the print invoice, it will show the lot number.
Adding Selling Price Groups: #
- Go to products -> Selling Price Group
Selling Price Group - Click on “Add” button to add a new price group. For example Retail price or WholeSale price or Bulk Purchase price or Location 1 price etc as per your wish.
- You can view a list of selling prices in “Selling Price Group” screen.
Adding price for different price groups: #
- In Add/Edit product screen in the bottom, you will find the button “Save & Add Selling-price-group price”. Click on that button. Note: this button will not be visible if there are no selling price groups.
- In the next screen, you will see the list of the product name (if variable product then all variations), the default price & selling price groups price. Enter the prices for it.
- Click on Save.
Exporting & Importing selling price group: #
- Go to Products -> Selling Price Group.
- First download the excel file with the selling price group by clicking on “Export Selling Price Group Prices” button.
- In the downloaded file change the price of products.
- Only selling price group prices of the product will be updated, not the SKU or name.
- Any blank price will be skiped.
- Then import the file.
Selling at a particular price group: #
- Go to POS.
- In the top, you will see the list of selling price groups. Select the one as per your requirement.
Note: This will not be visible if there are no selling price groups or if a user is assigned only one particular price group only. - Select the prie group & the selling prices for the product will be as per the price group.
Assigning a user to a particular price group: #
- Sometime you may want to assign a particular or few selected price group to a user. In that case, create a role with the desired permission & price group assigned.
- You must assign at least one price group for a role if that role has permission to sell.
Assigning a price group to a Business Location #
- Helps selling same product at a different price in different business location.
- Go to Add/Edit Business Location and select the Default Selling Price Group, if not selected then products default price will be used.
FAQ? #
1. How to hide the Selling Price Group in POS window to all cashiers #
In add/edit roles you can set which all selling price groups will be visible to that role. So in the cashier role, you can uncheck/remove permission for all other selling price groups except the one you want to show or use for the cashier.
Enabling Warranty: #
To enable warrany in products go to Settings -> Business Settings -> Products -> Enable Warranty
Using Warranty #
- Adding Warranty: Add warranty types by going to Products -> Warranty.
- Assigining warranty for products: Go to Add/Edit product and select the warranty that is applicable for the product.
- Sell with warranty: Any products which has warranty assigned when sold will use the transaction date as start of warranty. You can display warranty in receipts by enabling it from Invoice layout.
Printing Labels #
You can go to print label screen from multiple places:
- From Products Sidebar menu Products -> Print Labels.
- Go to Products -> View Products and click on Actions -> Labels. This will add the selected product to print label list.
- Go to Purchases -> List Purchases and click on Actions -> Labels. This will add the products from the selected purchase to print label list.
- Once you’re in print label screen, add the products for which you want to print labels by entering the name or barcode/sku id.
- Adjust the quantity of each product’s label (No. of labels).
- Select the information you want to display in labels by checking/unchecking the options under “Information to show in labels” heading.
- Select the Barcode Setting according to your sticker. We have included some commonly used settings.
You can add new setting from Settings -> Barcode Settings menu. - Click on Preview to view the labels.
- If everything looks good you can click on Print button to print it.
Note: You must set the Margins to ‘default’ in browser print window. - If some information is getting half displayed because of sticker size, then it is advised to hide them or better to use a 20 Labels Per sheet settings.
Error: Unsupported SKU id for the selected barcode type #
This error means the SKU provided by you when creating the product doesn’t satisfy the encoding as per barcode type.
The solution can be edit the product and change the barcode type as “Code 128” save & try printing the label again.
Duplicate Products helps you to easily create a new product with the same data as another product, this helps you save repetitive entering of data and ultimately saves time by making the product entry process faster.
Correcting product stock mis-match or incorrect stock in different reports #
Error 1: Mismatch between sold and purchased quantity
Error 2: Mismatch in stock shows in Stock-Report and sales screen. Sales screen accepts products greater or less than as in stock reports.
This rarely happens because of some unknown reasons or if you try to manually update the stock in the database.
Solution: #
NOTE: You must have the role of admin for this to work.
Step 1: Go to this URL reports -> product-stock-details
Step 2: Select the business location and press search button. It will show the list of products for which there is a mismatch.
Step 3: Click on Fix button for each product.
Refer to the screenshot below
Bulk Edit Products #
Bulk edit helps you to edit multiple products at once and saves your time.
To edit multiple products follow the steps:
- Go to Products -> List Products
- Select the products you want to edit by clicking on the checkbox present in each product row.
- Scroll down you will find the Bulk Edit option, click on it and you can edit the selected products.
- Also, in the bulk edit screen you can add any other products to edit them.
Opening Stock #
To add opening stock:
- Go to List Products
- Actions > Add or Edit Opening Stock