Business Settings

Business Settings allows you to set some of the common business-related information.

Here you can change:

  • Business name
  • Start Date
  • Set Default Profit margin
  • Currency
  • Timezone
  • Logo
  • Financial year: For some countries, the financial year starts from January and for some it stars on April. Here you can set the appropriate option for your country.
  • Tax information
  • Product SKU prefix: Enable this feature to generate a prefix for Product SKU. Once enabled, while adding a new product the SKU field with add this prefix along with the input given or if left empty will autogenerate a value along with this prefix.
  • Default Sales discount
  • Default Sales tax
  • Business Setting > Contact > Default credit limit: The credit limit provided here will be used as default value when creating a customer or supplier
  • Business Setting > Sale > Default Sale Discount: The default discount will be used for all sales in POS & Add sales screen.

Sales: #

Sales Item Addition Method: #

  1. It has 2 options: “Add item in new row” & “Increase item quantity if it already exists”
  2. This option is related to POS & Sales screen when a new product is added.
  3. Add item in new row: It will always add a product in new row
  4. Increase item quantity if it already exists: If the product already exists in the cart it will increase its quantity else it will add it in a new row.

Amount rounding method: #

The price of the products can be taken as a whole number or as a rounded decimal value by selecting the particular roundoff method. If none is selected the value is taken as a whole number.

Sales price is minimum selling price: #

If this option is enabled then the product cannot be sold at a price lower than the selling price set for the product.

It can be sold at a higher price but not at a lower price.

Enable inline Tax: #

To display the price inc. tax on the POS screen, kindly enable the check box in the Business Settings->Tax.

Enable Sales Order: #

This will enable the sales order feature.

Default Sale Discount: #

The default sale discount can be added to products in Business Settings -> Sale

Limit for Transaction Edit: #

In order to increase the limit for editing the transaction, set the number of days in the business settings.

Datatable Entry Selection: #

The default number of entries in the data tables can be selected in Business Settings -> System.

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